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The Veterinary Life Coach® Podcast with Dr. Julie Cappel

Jan 25, 2021

Do you ever get the feeling that you are under qualified or not as competent as others perceive you to be?  Impostor syndrome is the feeling that you have been lucky to get where you are.  You feel like you are presenting yourself as a phony or that maybe you  don't belong.  Today on the podcast I talk about where this...

Jan 18, 2021

Have you ever wondered what is like to get coached?  What is this life coaching thing all about?  Life coaches help us to understand why we are getting the results in life that we are getting and how to create something different.  We coach on leadership, relationships, parenting, work/life balance, career, and even...

Jan 11, 2021

Do you want your life to be different this year?  Do you want to create something amazing?  The first step to changing your life is goal setting.  Dreams, goals, and action steps are the only way that you can create permanent change.  Once you have set up big audacious goals, then the real work begins.  The work will be...

Jan 4, 2021

Oh the anxiety!  We all experience it at times.  On this podcast I talk about my anxiety and how it presents for me.  We discuss why we experience anxiety and how we can work to process it and really feel it.  The thoughts that we think cause the feelings that we feel -- always -- including anxiety.  Showing yourself...