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The Veterinary Life Coach® Podcast with Dr. Julie Cappel

Nov 30, 2021

Do you feel unmotivated or anxious when the days get shorter and colder?  There are physiological reasons for feeling slower and more unmotivated during the winter months, especially if you live in a colder climate.  I live in Michigan, so that prompted me to look into Seasonal Affective Disorder and the "winter blues"...

Nov 24, 2021

Is there something in life that feels better than happy?  We have the idea that we should always feel happy, but in fact chasing happiness can cause us stress and even depression.  What we really want to work towards is purpose, meaning, and emotional competence.  Living a life full of meaning is much more gratifying...

Nov 17, 2021

Do you ever feel as if there are too many things on your plate?  All the stress of your to-do list hangs over your head and causes stress, anxiety, overwhelm, and procrastination.  Today I talk about how to get beyond those negative feelings and get going.  You can create motivation for yourself and start to work...

Nov 8, 2021

It has been my experience that energy creates energy.  When I am around people that are happy and work hard, I naturally feel more happy and ambitious.  Proximity to successful people breeds success and you can use the power of proximity to influence  and improve the culture of your practice.  Put yourself around those...

Nov 4, 2021

Becoming a happy, mentally healthy veterinarian involves developing solid leadership habits.  Leading yourself and others requires that you work to better yourself.  It is a continuous process that involves focus on being humble without feeling inferior and fierce without acting superior.  If you can be humble and...