Apr 30, 2022
Darcy Luoma is a master certified coach, inspiring motivational speaker, and the author of Thoughtfully Fit : Your Training Plan for Life and Business Success. Darcy has an interesting background in politics, working for a US senator, governor, and on two presidential campaigns. Darcy is a CEO, mother, pet owner, and...
Apr 22, 2022
We all struggle with self-doubt when learning new things, it is that fear of the unknown. Your brain is naturally wired that way to keep you safe. We also may feel self-doubt when faced with something challenging from our past where our story is one of failure or of past mistakes. Once you are on to yourself and the...
Apr 13, 2022
Nina Syme is a wife, mother, grandmother, cat parent, fantastic friend, and practice manager at Warren Podiatry in Warren, Michigan. Nina and her daughter Christina are navigating a long medical journey with Ulcerative Colitis. In this podcast episode, Nina tells her story of parenting a young adult dealing with a...
Apr 6, 2022
Dr. Travis Fox holds doctorate degrees in both phychology and clinical hypnotherapy. He has spent much of his career as an entrepreneur, motivational speaker, business coach, and life architect. He is a founder and keynote speaker for The Ultimate Business Quest, LLC, an app where business basics and coaching...