Oct 27, 2022
Jonathan Decker is an Account Executive with Gallagher and Team Leader for 360 Coverage Pros Professional Veterinarian Liability Insurance. Veterinarians need liability insurance to cover for claims of medical malpractice and licensing board complaints. Jonathan explains how this coverage works and how veterinarians...
Oct 20, 2022
Why do we resist change and why does it often feel so hard? It has to do with our comfort zone and our fear of failure. What if we make the wrong choice? What if our new situation is not what we dreamed it would be. On this episode we talk about how to narrow down your choices whether you are changing a bad habit or...
Oct 13, 2022
Lynne Bowmen is the author of "Brownies for Breakfast - A Cookbook for Diabetics and the People Who Love Them." She describes herself as a snarky grandma, but she is an accomplished author, creative director, advertising manager, actress, makeup artist, screen writer, legal journalist, and television weather person....
Oct 6, 2022
Why do veterinarians do what we do? We know that Veterinary Medicine is a challenging profession. We deal with difficult situations every day - situations that challenge us mentally, emotionally, and physically. We need to care for ourselves first, and one way to do that is to decide that challenges are healthy for...