Feb 22, 2023
Dr. Samantha Morici is the Head of Veterinary Services at Koala Health, an online pet pharmacy start-up working to improve the healthcare experience for veterinarians, clients, and pets alike. Dr. Morici is a fearless industry disrupter and devout veterinary representative, who has held leadership roles within...
Feb 15, 2023
Katie Brooks LVT, CVPM is the CEO of CVCA Cardiac Care for Pets and co-founder and CEO of Partner Veterinary - Emergency and Speciality Center. Katie has a mission to heal pets and support people. Katie has a passion for creating exeptional work environments where employees have the opportunity for...
Feb 9, 2023
Do you ever feel like you are stalled? You have a goal in mind and a plan to get to it, but you stop working or distract yourself with unimportant things? That stalled feeling is something that your brain wants. Your brain feels more comfortable and safe when it is not striving and working on changes that...