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The Veterinary Life Coach® Podcast with Dr. Julie Cappel

Nov 30, 2020

Rebecca Reid is a Certified Personal Color Analyst and the owner of Colorpolitan. Rebecca uses a state of the art 12-tone Sci/ART personal color analysis system based on the science of natural color harmony. Rebecca teaches me about her business and how she uses color analysis to help people feel and look their best...

Nov 23, 2020

Dr. Ivan Zak is a veterinarian and an entrepreneur.   He is the creator of Smart Flow, a workflow optimization system for veterinary practices.  He recently finished his MBA dissertation studying how Lean Thinking can help reduce burnout in veterinary organizations. Today Dr. Zak teaches us about his research findings...

Nov 16, 2020

Do you know your Myers Briggs type?  If you are a judging type or perceiving type you may have different learning styles.  On this episode of the podcast I am joined by Bridget Cappel.  We discuss the judging types and perceiving types and how they are influenced to learn based on the way they see the world.  We examine...

Nov 9, 2020

What does it mean to be teachable?  Teachability is the openness to learn new things while creating better for your life. It involves dealing with the uncomfortable feelings that come from putting yourself out there and risking failure while learning. Becoming more open to learning is a skill that we can develop once we...

Nov 2, 2020

What does it mean to be resilient?  Resilience is the ability to experience adversity and recover quickly.  We all need this skill because as humans we all experience adversity. (Veterinary professionals may experience adversity more often than many people)  If we let it, adversity will stop us from progressing in life....