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The Veterinary Life Coach® Podcast with Dr. Julie Cappel

May 27, 2020

Do you feel like you are living in a state of constant stress over the things that you hear about the pandemic?  Are you feeling that everything is urgent and you don't know what to do with the emotion?  Today on the podcast I talk about the difference between your urgent thoughts and actual urgency.  Thinking...

May 19, 2020

Do you feel frustrated or upset by clients taking their frustration out on you?  Do you know that you have the power to change your feelings no matter what the circumstance?  Julie will teach you how you can learn to understand your feelings and where they come from.  You have the power to change so that clients do not...

May 11, 2020

On this episode of the podcast Julie talks about the Positivity Habit. It takes 21 days to create a habit and 90 days to solidify it.  If you want a more positive life you can get it by changing your thinking.  Your circumstances are neutral - changing your thoughts about them allows you to create a more positive life. ...

May 4, 2020

On this episode of the podcast Julie uses a thought exercise/poem called, "Just for Today" by Sybil Partridge.  The work has been adapted many times but remains relevant.  Julie takes this work from Dale Carnegie's book, "How to stop worrying and start living" and uses it to help us take one step at a time to quiet our...