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The Veterinary Life Coach® Podcast with Dr. Julie Cappel

Sep 27, 2023

Dr. Kimberly Pope-Robinson is a veterinarian, inspiring speaker, author, and the Founder of 1 Life Connected. Dr. Pope has served the veterinary community for over 20 years. In 2007 she transitioned from running a veterinary practice to supporting and managing mutiple veterinary hospital locations in a...

Sep 21, 2023

On this epidsode of the podcast Julie talks about leadership and what you can do to increase the leadership energy that you bring to practice and life.  We all have to start somewhere, so even if you feel inadequate in your leadership skills, start right where you are now.  Becoming a great leader is a life long...

Sep 13, 2023

On this episode, Pete Mohr, entrepreneur, business coach, and Certified Kolbe Assessment Coach returns. We discuss the Kolbe Assessment System and how you can use it to educate yourself and coach your team into better relationships, better hiring, and team building.  Find out more about Pete Mohr at

Sep 7, 2023

Dr. Dani Rabwin is a veterinarian, mentor, and the Founder and CEO of Ready, Vet, Go!  She began mentoring veterinarians when she convinced her practice owner to hire a new graduate and has been mentoring ever since. She turned it into an entreprenurial endevor in 2020 with her first six month mentoring program...